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What are the Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea?

What are the Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea?

People around the world have been using hibiscus in one form or another, be it seeds, flowers or leaves, for possibly thousands of years. Hibiscus is a tropical plant that flowers and all elements of the plant are safe for human consumption. Hibiscus tea is made from the plant’s flowers and is delicious at any time of the day. For those exploring teas Australia has to offer, hibiscus tea is a must-try.

At Teavision we’re exceptionally passionate about healing the body as naturally as possible, supporting our essential systems to be as strong as possible. Here’s our guide to the benefits that drinking hibiscus tea may offer:

  • The hibiscus plant contains the antioxidants vitamin C, beta-carotene, and anthocyanin, which are well-known vitamins and minerals that are widely regarded to help many health conditions across the board. With the ability to remove harmful compounds and free radicals, from the body, drinking hibiscus tea may help to prevent damage to the cells in your body’s system. It’s these powerful elements that also help to reduce your risk of coughs and colds, especially when combined with other remedies from Mother Nature. 
  • Studies have found Hibiscus tea may have a positive impact on your blood pressure. By managing your blood pressure early on, you may prevent undue stress and damage to your entire cardiovascular system, including your heart. Hibiscus tea is considered a very safe way to help reduce the risk of heart disease, although those on certain medications that treat high blood pressure should consult a physician before drinking, as it may counteract this treatment. 
  • Furthermore, some studies have found drinking hibiscus tea daily could be effective at lowering your cholesterol. This is because it may help to improve the levels of fat in the blood, which is a huge risk factor when it comes to heart disease. 
  • Another benefit of drinking hibiscus tea is the favourable effect it may have on your liver. Your liver is a vital part of the body’s systems, ensuring fat is broken down properly and providing your body with proteins, among other things. Research suggests hibiscus tea has the potential to assist your liver in breaking down fat, reducing the risk of fatty liver disease and therefore potentially reducing the risk of liver failure. 
  • Several studies suggest hibiscus tea may help you to lose weight, which is hugely beneficial to those at risk of obesity. Not only is it thought to suppress appetite slightly, but it also may help to prevent fat cells from amassing, meaning as part of a healthy lifestyle consuming hibiscus tea is a natural aid for weight loss. 
  • Further studies have noted hibiscus can inhibit the function of bad bacteria found in your body. This means your risk of certain infections, including urinary tract infections and bronchitis, may be reduced thanks to hibiscus tea.

The Benefits of Rosehip Hibiscus Tea

Combining hibiscus with rosehip is a trick that’s been used in natural and herbal medicine since its conception. 

At its core it is the perfect potential immune system booster, bringing together many antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to support your general health.

It’s also useful as a potential indigestion remedy. Many people swear by rosehip hibiscus tea to settle their stomachs when experiencing acid reflux, heartburn, and stomach upsets. 

Many studies have findings that suggest a combination of hibiscus and rosehip has equal success as traditional medicine in treating inflammation. Their anti-inflammatory properties are thought to potentially reduce pain in joints and help to relieve symptoms of arthritis without the medicinal risks of stomach ulcers and blood clots. 

How Will You Try Hibiscus in Tea?

As you can see, there are more potential benefits of hibiscus tea and hibiscus rosehip tea than you might think. And what’s more, the teas have a beautiful flavour. Hibiscus tea is incredibly easy to make at home and tastes delicious, akin to the taste of cranberry. Many people enjoy it with lime or honey, depending on their preference for tartness. It can be enjoyed both hot and cold which makes it an excellent choice all year round. 

Here at Teavision, we have a range of teas containing hibiscus available, such as our Organic Flu Fighter and our Organic Health Booster, which are perfect for overall health. Or if you prefer the sweet taste of hibiscus alone, we have our ever-popular Organic Hibiscus tea which is perfect to sip on throughout the day. Whether you choose to enjoy hibiscus tea alone or as part of a powerful blend, you’re sure to reap the benefits. 

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